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Weave Culturally Integrated Furnishings

Problem: The modern day is one where people are disconnected from the environment, people, and cultures that surround them. Products on the market that utilize Native culture as “inspiration” are often more appropriative than appreciative and give off a false sense of what indigenous cultures are which leads to misinformation and further rifts between Native and
non-Native people.

Hypothesis: If traditional indigenous ways of thinking were applied to a product that people see everyday could help not only preserve Native culture in a modern age of disposability but could also aid in present day issues regarding sustainability and nomadicy by creating a conversation between Natives and non-Natives.

Weave is a brand of home furnishings that blend traditional indigenous ideals with region specific aesthetics and contemporary form language to make conversation pieces in ones home. The furnishings cater to the new age of nomadicy by using pressure fit pieces that make assembly and tear down simple. They are made of two materials, upcycled wood and cloth, for a minimalist appearance. 

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